Northshore pebble beach time out
Blog posts,  Soul Road

The Dragon Within

When we finally got around to seeing The Black Panther film last year, it raised some questions for me that seemed a bit different than what others took away. It is a visually beautiful work certainly and rich with sub-themes. The role of physical combat prowess as a means of selecting a ruler felt a bit off to me, but it did get me thinking about how we handle our violent tendencies and the need to do something with our frustration over things that are not right with the world.

I vividly recall one afternoon as a teenager when something triggered a full on deep dark, blinding anger in me. I don’t recall what it was, perhaps something from a sibling, but I do remember deciding that I never wanted to feel that out of control again. The dragon inside had roused, and I shoved it back into a cage and threw away the key in my desire to stay in charge.

In line with my ongoing examinations of life and my pursuit of acceptance of life as it has been handed to me, I have to grant the dragon its place, as I was reminded that night, so what does that mean? It has been 9 months since then, and I have begun to finally get some insight into my answer to that question.

I had fallen into the old trap of thinking that it was a single answer, when my truth was more nuanced. It showed up during my work on a very special Soul Friend that has been oh so slow to emerge despite her presence on the table where I do my daily journaling.

Driha’an, Disciple of the Soul Road, has a story for me that promises to be challenging, strengthening, and, honestly, not at all an easy way forward. It begins:

Part weaponsmaster, part spiritual guide, and, at heart, a bit of a dragon: Driha’an was born of fire, as devout disciples are wont to be, yet she grows tall and broad as a giant silver maple with branches of hardest iron and roots dug deep.