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    Iõeia, forest creature

    She was small but sturdy, this creature of the deep forest shadows and mossy glades. She was often sensed more than seen and only by those who sat quietly in open contemplation of the serenity to be found away from the hustle of modern life. Life, for her, was simple and rich. Thousands of pine needles and decaying leaves from seasons past muffled the forest floor, while minerals and nutrients swirled and danced in the river among the rocks; her world was magnificent and ever changing. She found it all quite delightful. 

  • Blog posts,  Featured posts,  Soul Friend,  Soul Road

    Bazhie, of the Support Squad

    Controlling the Gnarly Snarls of Shoulds is a tricky job at the best of times. They get that way for quite valid reasons as we navigate this complex, fast paced life. It is all too easy to feel ourselves sliding, which of course only adds to the stress. The Support Squad of the Sister Posse can make all the difference at these times. Bazhie, in particular, has the no-nonsense, yet sympathetic when warranted, routine down pat. Not to worry, she’s got this Gnarly Snarl for you. Go back to doing what you can. Things will be fine.

  • Soul Friend

    Lia, Boundary Keeper

    We talk about setting boundaries for what is acceptable in our lives, but life has a way of challenging our preferences. Part of an art practice is deciding what needs to be in a piece of work and what does not belong or does not add to the expression; in other words, what is inside the boundary of the piece or not. Lia reminds us that practicing intention in setting and keeping our boundaries, both in art and in life, is not only justified but also critical to our voice. She lays down the lines for the Sister Posse and defends them.

  • Soul Friend

    The Teacher

    She was all about intention and authenticity. The Taos landscape was deep in her fibers, a balance of the sparseness of the desert with the joy of having space to breathe and understand yourself in the quiet. The thing about the desert is that it seems empty and lifeless at first glance if you are used to lush forests and plains. It takes patience and a keen eye to appreciate the subtle beauty and life that exists there. It takes letting go of assumptions and the illusions of modern life, and claiming your choices. She had much to teach.