• Blog posts

    What I’ve been working on, not in the studio: Classes!

    I have been working on a class off and on this summer that is partly an extension of the reading I have been doing and the practices I have been working on during my transition to full time art. I am calling it “From Inspiration to Innovation: Making it in your Own Style”, and it will include lots of great discussions, resources, ideas, and even give us all some practice in how to get from “I love this! ‘Pin’ it!” to creating work that is truly our own.   Most of my experience has been in some form of visual art, so I expect that the course will be oriented…

  • Blog posts

    What I’ve been working on in the studio: Experiments

    Shortly before the IPCA Arches conference started in Ohio, Helen Briel posted a challenge to the Facebook population to figure out what tool she used for one of her demonstration pieces. There were a couple of guesses that didn’t quite get it, so she gave a few more hints, and I managed to figure out what it was. Since I knew I wasn’t going to be able to attend her demo, I set out to see what I could do with the tool, knowing full well that I would be unlikely to figure out all the details of how she achieved the wonderful pattern that was on her necklace. About…

  • Polymer cat ornament
    Blog posts

    Incorporating “influences” in my art

    In “How to Steal Like an Artist”, there is a statement about wanting to learn to SEE like an artist we admire rather than learning to create art like that is a copy of the other artist. The former, for me, represents harvesting something we admire or are moved by to expand on my own expressive abilities. The latter feels like simply copying the other work, which would be inherently a thin imitation of expression at best when compared to the original. It may display wonderful craftsmanship, but would fall short of what I want to see in my art. It is, not surprisingly, far easier to say I want…